

And what does "responsibility" equal?

I know that every other blogger in the universe (at least those who don't have their heads in the sand about Iraq) has linked to this story - but the sheer genius of these occupation authority acts demands a reprise:
A more substantial assault on Saddam's legacy is under way in the Republican Palace, where the occupation authority is making preparations to dismantle the food distribution system which gave free rations of flour, rice, cooking oil and other staples to every Iraqi.

Described by the UN as the world's most efficient food network, the system still keeps Iraqis from going hungry. But the US civilian administrator of Iraq, Paul Bremer, views it as a dangerous socialist anachronism. The coalition provisional authority (CPA) is planning to abolish it in January, despite warnings from its own technical experts that this could lead to hunger and riots.

Behind the mosque five American military vehicles rumbled through a narrow lane, scattering children and women, and announcing through loudspeakers that demonstrations in support of Saddam were banned. Leaflets fluttered to the ground behind them. "Freedom = Responsibility", the headline said. A man with a baby in his arms stooped to pick one up and, staring straight at the US troops, ripped it in half.

The second-in-command at the information ministry, who spent his days reading the reports the minders wrote about visiting foreign journalists, has been employed by Fox News.
So, we have to get rid of food distribution, because that's a dangerous reminder of the bad old Saddam days. But, on the other hand, it is perfectly acceptable to use former Saddam-era intelligence officials and propagandists, because that's efficient and "necessary".

It seems that, if faced with hunger, Iraqis will do one of two things: either be compelled to work with the Americans in order to stay alive, or take up arms against the occupiers. Guns or butter, as the saying goes.

Well, I'm sure they'll transfer all that money that would have just been wasted on feeding hungry Iraqis to people who really need it - like Halliburton and Bechtel.

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