

While the media remains preoccupied with the WDM furor...

The real intentions behind the war are being buried in articles about other things, even though Bremer is being fairly straightforward about it:

Asked whether the Council would have the authority to sign contracts and make decisions about privatizing state corporations, Mr. Bremer responded, "The coalition made it very clear in its discussions yesterday with the Governing Council that we consider that the coalition has very broad authorities to determine the direction of the Iraqi economy."

Foreign investment in Iraq, Mr. Bremer added, "is an issue on which the Governing Council will obviously want to give its advice, and we intend to listen very carefully to whatever the Governing Council has to say."
Of course, he failed to add, "And if what they say is something we don't agree with, we'll do it anyway."

In other news, Blair's ship is sinking, and Bush's is taking on water. Even also ran media outlets such as the USA Today are keeping up. Watching the news this morning, my favorite moment was when Bush spokesmoron "Comical" Ari Fleischer went insisting that maybe, the statement in the state of the union was true after all, and challenged reporters by insisting that they could not prove that it was false. See, because one can't prove Saddam wasn't trying to develop weapons of mass destruction, then the statement and by extension the war, was justified. So there you have it. In other logic, we also can't prove that Ari Fleisher is not a certified schizophrenic. And there's more "darn good" evidence for Ari's schizophrenia than there is for the WDM claims.

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