

Israeli gov't: Apartheid Wall is not a "wall"

AFP quotes a "senior Israeli official" as taking umbrage at Bush's characterization of the Apartheid Wall as a "wall":
"It is a shame that President Bush did not use the correct term security fence," the official said.

"Israel is not constructing a wall..."

AP photo

Caption reads: "Young Arab Israeli boys play soccer along a four block long wall dividing Jerusalem's center and the Arab suburb of Abu Dis Monday July 21, 2003. This wall, which preceded the grander separation fence project currently under construction around Jerusalem, is one indication of what the new barrier could look like in a densely populated area."

Right... this big wall is not actually a "wall" - just like that giant wall totally surrounding Qalqiliyah and separating thousands of Palestinians from their lands isn't a "wall" either. It's just a little old "fence". You know - the kind that makes good neighbors, especially when you can rob a few thousand acres of their land at the same time.

Speaking of officials claiming that "walls" are not being built...
At a press conference on 15th June 1961, Walter Ulbricht... uttered a sentence which was to reveal in hindsight that he had another solution in mind. The sentence became notorious: "Nobody has any intention of building a wall."
The Berlin Wall started going up less than 2 months later.

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