US Kills ~69 "Fighters" with no civilian casualties.
Dateline, Wednesday.
"Iraqi resistance" is "crushed". In other news, I have a bridge to sell you.
Dateline, Friday. Iraqis still celebrating their liberation lit fireworks in honor of the American soldiers in Mosul. Or maybe those 8 or so remaining coward terrorist saddam loyalist al quaeda sympathizer folks, the "holdouts" that seem to be everywhere at once, even though there are only like 8 of them. And they only dare attack under cover of night (see picture).
Dateline, Monday. More attacks. 4 US soldiers wounded. Everyone is making a big deal of the fact that there doesnt seem to be "central coordination" for these "sporadic attacks." They can't find any guerilla leaders to interview on CNN, so I guess its not going to worry the American public. Um, hello? Ever seen the movie "Red Dawn"? Its called generalized resistance. It means, in the long term, the occupying force is fucked.

Dateline, Friday. Iraqis still celebrating their liberation lit fireworks in honor of the American soldiers in Mosul. Or maybe those 8 or so remaining coward terrorist saddam loyalist al quaeda sympathizer folks, the "holdouts" that seem to be everywhere at once, even though there are only like 8 of them. And they only dare attack under cover of night (see picture).
Dateline, Monday. More attacks. 4 US soldiers wounded. Everyone is making a big deal of the fact that there doesnt seem to be "central coordination" for these "sporadic attacks." They can't find any guerilla leaders to interview on CNN, so I guess its not going to worry the American public. Um, hello? Ever seen the movie "Red Dawn"? Its called generalized resistance. It means, in the long term, the occupying force is fucked.