

Students now expected to pay more for college education

Good news for college students: now you will be expected to be extra-good Americans by working more and taking out larger loans to pay for your college education. What could be more American than working harder for less in return and getting so deep in debt that you're virtually a slave to credit card companies?

Programs designed to help the poorest college students will be especially affected:
...the changes should shave off a few hundred million dollars in grants to low-income students, known as the Pell Grant. With the faltering economy and the swelling popularity of college, the program has surpassed $11 billion a year. The new formula should constrain some of that growth, the department says, though it maintains that was never the intent of recalibrating it.

Because the size of each Pell grant is tailored to a family's discretionary income, the formula changes will result in smaller awards for some of the 4.8 million recipients in the program. Other recipients will stop getting grants altogether, the department added, since their resources will be deemed that much higher, pushing them beyond the program's eligibility requirements.
Some Democrats are reported to be making a tepid response to Bush's newest assault on the "creeping socialism" leftovers from the liberal era.

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