US seeks surrender of Mujahideen Khalq
The US is now
reversing the
earlier reversal of its terrorism policy with regards to the Mujahideen Khalq in Iraq. The geniuses at the State Department figured out that dealing with the group would be, hmmm, a little hypocritical:
...the State Department, which in 1997 labeled the group a foreign terrorist organization, successfully argued that the United States could not condone its existence in the midst of fighting a war against terrorism.
But it gets more interesting:
Moreover, State Department officials believe, last month's cease-fire agreement was a betrayal of an arrangement the administration set with Iran before the Iraq war to disarm the group.
So, then, before the war, the US made an "arrangement" with Iran - one of the members of the "axis of evil" - to disarm the MEK, then reneged on the deal to reach an "understanding" with a group it considers "terrorist"? Now that's diplomacy.
Posted by Manumission @
23:01 |