Analysis on Abu Mazen's situation
Ha'aretz analysis on the situation Abu Mazen faces with respect to militant groups and Israel's demands that they be completely disarmed/crushed. The idea presented in the article is that Abu Mazen most likely will try to reach agreements with militant groups to avoid any showdowns. Some interesting passages:
After the struggle to name Mohammed Dahlan as minister in charge of security, much was said about how Dahlan can take action against Hamas, the way he did in 1996. Dahlan, then head of Preventive Security in Gaza, and Jibril Rajoub, his counterpart in the West Bank, proved themselves - as far as Israel was concerned. Starting in 1996, they chased down Hamas activists and drastically reduced the number of terror attacks. With their help, the Netanyahu and Barak terms (until September 2000) were the quietest, security-wise, since the start of the peace process.[emphasis added]
If Abu Mazen and Dahlan want to suppress them, a limited campaign of arrests won't be enough - a war will be necessary.
Although Hamas leaders often say they won't get involved in a civil war, some, like Mashal, have issued implied warnings that if Abu Mazen tries to disarm Hamas, he will also have to deal with the armed wing of Fatah, meaning the Al Aqsa Martyrs brigade.
Meaning Abu Mazen is going to have to be very careful if he wants to leave office in one piece.
Posted by Manumission @
03:17 |